Wednesday 1 May 2013

S.T.- Standing desks

Why stand up? Thoughts on converting you're sitting office into a standing office!

Do yourself a favor and count the total number of hours you spend, on average, sitting down.
Is it greater than four?

If so, you run an increased risk of heart disease, poor lung fitness, obesity, diabetes, several different kinds of cancer and a guaranteed shortening of your life span. Sitting down is really bad for your health. Seriously, we have evolved to stand. You don't believe me? Ask a chimpanzee. They'll just sit down because that's what they have evolved to do.

Standing and working at the same time improves blood circulation, lung fitness, helps you to stay active while learning, improves your leg, back, and shoulder muscles, and gives you extra life in the long term for the simple reason that you are staying active, healthy, and fit because you are standing and working instead of sitting.

Few things are more important for your long term welfare than correct posture, regular and consistent exercise, correct nutrition and dieting, lots of water, and at all costs to avoid prolonged stress upon your muscles and bone structure (e.g. sitting and bending forward for hours at a time).


'Standing desk'

'Stand Up While You Read This!'

'Study Links More Time Spent Sitting to Higher Risk of Death'

'Standing Desks on the Cheap: The IKEA Guide'

Author: Seamus Taylor
Post: #3

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