Friday 17 May 2013


Android has become one of the dominant players in the mobile operating system’s market. The android is a Linux based open source mobile operating system.
The code is realised under the apache licence which allows the software to be modified freely and distributed by the manufacturer of the device.
Android at this stage now powers approximately hundreds of millions of mobile devices globally.
The new IDE in Android Studio is based on the community edition of IntelliJ, which should make many developers happy, and Google gave a live demo of the new developer suite by showing off live code updates and live renderings of apps in real time, which allows you to see what your app will look like on different screen sizes as you type code and make changes to it.
The suite also lets you choose from a huge library of devices that you can virtually use to try out your app to see what it looks like on certain devices and different screen sizes. This may not mean much to the non-developer, so if there’s anything to get out of this, it’s that this could solve fragmentation, and apps could look a whole lot better in the future.

Blog#5 Majed Alharbi

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