Thursday 16 May 2013


A microchip implant is a small electronic circuit which is designed to be implanted into the body. The circuit is usually covered in a housing which will not react with the body or break down with use, protecting the chip inside for the lifetime of the wearer. A wide variety of information can be encoded on the microchip, ranging from data about allergies to identifying information. Microchip implants have not been without controversy, especially among people who are concerned about the potential for government tracking of human beings.
The first microchip implant device was on an animal. An animal microchip implant is used in to make sure that the animal is identified even if it loses its tags, and microchips can also be used to monitor and manage livestock, along with animals’ example racehorses. Human microchip implants for medical use have been released by several companies, and some researchers have also experimented with microchip implants which interact with the environment, such as a chip which communicates with a computer to turn lights on and off.

The device is a passive RFID (radio frequency identification device) device and because of the fact that it doesn't use internal power it remains inert and is only activated by the scanner. The scanner is specially designed for the microchip.

Mohammed Bin Saeed
post number 1 

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