Tuesday 21 May 2013

                         Asimo: The future in robotics

                                         Blog Post #3: The Humanoid

The first 'human like' robot or HUMANOID came with HONDA's P2. This robot stunned the public with its life like reaction and movement. The series of robots (P1-P2-P3) are the generation prior to ASIMO himself. Using wireless techniques, the torso contained a computer, motor drives, battery, wireless radio and other necessary devices all of which are built it (embedded). This robot had the capability of being an independent walker, walking up/down stairs, cart pushing and other operations were achieved without wires, allowing independent operation.

The addition of wireless Ethernet to the robot took robots to the next generation, allowing the robot to be controlled via a control room, computer or any other device. Vision allows the robot to see objects and operate based on its surroundings. Arms/hands gave the robot the ability to interact directly with the public by shaking hands and other interactions. The robot uses G sensors and gyro meters to stay stable at all times. Full specifications of the P2 are given in the image below.



Above we see an example of Honda's P2, As you can see in the video, the robot has very life like reactions and movements, its interaction with the public was ground breaking earning the title HUMANOID. Asimo was the follow on from this series of robot.

                                                          More blogs to follow


                                                         Keep moving forward!

Blog Post #3

Donal Murphy.

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